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Počet novinek: 854


ICQ#: 65448422
ICQ#: 68071162

Krátké zprávy

28.10.: S novinkami kolem Roxette a spol. se roztrhl pytel. Per právě na Facebooku oznámil, že ve studiu krome DVD Roxette připravují i nové živé DVD z koncertu Gyllene Tider.

27.10.: Podľa švédskeho hudobného internetového obchodu , Mariin album NU! výjde už 20.11.2013 a objednaný cez nich, by mal obsahovať aj autogramovú kartu.

25.10.: 21.10.2013 bolo presne 25 rokov, čo Roxette vydali po "Pearls Of Passion", druhý štúdiový album "Look Sharp!". Hity, ako "The Look", "Listen To Your Heart", Dressed For Success" a "Dangerous" sa umiestnili i v Billboard TOP 200 a albumu sa predalo cez 9 miliónov kópií.

22.10.: DVD a BluRay Roxette vyjde 6. prosince a bude k němu přiloženo 16-trackové živé CD. Samostatně živé CD vyjde pouze v elektronické distribuci s dvěma nahrávkami navíc.

20.10.: S novým singlom a albumom Marie, prichádza s novým look-om aj oficiálna webová stránka Marie - .


She’s Got Nothing on (But the Radio) (Live in Rio de Janeiro, April 16 2011) (4:41)

What she got she got to give it to somebody
What she got she got to give it to someone
It’s not a case of growin’ up or lots of money
It’s just the fundamental twist of the sun

What she got she got to let somebody find it (- “Really?”)
What she got is not for her to keep alone (- “Oh!”)
Nobody’s got a clue if there is such a reason (- “Yea?”)
Why she wanna play it o-on her own

She’s got nothing on but the radio
She’s a passion play
And like the break of day
She takes my breath away

What she got she got to give to some contender
What she got is just like gold dust on a shelf
And no one’s got a clue what’s on her brave agenda
Why she wanna keep it keep it to herself

She’s got nothing on but the radio
It’s a passion play
And like the break of day
She takes my breath away

Who did the painting on my wall?
Who left a poem down the hall?
Oh I don’t understand at all, he-he-hey

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